How are conflicts and revisions resolved when multiple authors work on conditional content in DITA?

Conflicts and revisions when multiple authors work on conditional content in DITA are resolved through clear communication, version control systems, content merging, and review processes. Effective coordination among authors, using version control for tracking changes, merging content branches carefully, and employing collaborative review mechanisms ensures that conflicts are minimized, and content remains consistent across conditional versions.

Clear Communication:

Effective communication is essential to preempt conflicts. Authors must establish guidelines for working with conditional content, including naming conventions for conditions, branching strategies in version control, and reviewing each other’s work. This clarity reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts.

Version Control Systems:

Version control systems, such as Git or DITA-specific CMS solutions, offer a structured environment for managing conditional content. Authors work on separate branches, each focused on specific conditions or versions. Regular commits and updates to branches help authors keep track of changes made by others.

Content Merging:

When multiple authors need to merge their work into a common branch, careful content merging is crucial. Version control systems provide tools to resolve conflicts that arise when authors modify the same content or conditions simultaneously. Authors must review and resolve these conflicts during the merge process, ensuring that the resulting content is coherent and consistent.

Collaborative Review Processes:

Collaboration doesn’t end with merging. Collaborative review processes involve subject matter experts or team members reviewing the merged content. These reviewers assess the content for accuracy, consistency, and compliance with conditions. Any remaining conflicts or inconsistencies are addressed during the review, resulting in refined conditional content.


In a technology company, a team of technical writers collaboratively creates DITA documents for a software user manual with conditional content variations based on different product versions.

Clear Communication: The team conducts a kickoff meeting to establish guidelines for working with conditional content. They agree on condition naming conventions, branch management strategies, and a review process. These guidelines help authors understand how to handle conflicts and revisions collaboratively.

Version Control Systems: They use Git for version control, creating separate branches for each product version’s documentation. Authors regularly commit their changes to their respective branches, and Git tracks who made each change and when it occurred.

Content Merging: When it’s time to merge the work from different branches into the main documentation branch, authors use Git’s merging capabilities. If conflicts arise due to simultaneous changes to the same content or conditions, authors carefully review and resolve these conflicts during the merge process.

Collaborative Review Processes: After content merging, subject matter experts review the merged content for accuracy and consistency. They identify any remaining conflicts or inconsistencies related to conditions and content structure. The reviewers work with the authors to resolve these issues, ensuring that the conditional content is refined and aligns with the required conditions for various product versions. This collaborative approach minimizes conflicts and ensures that the user manual maintains a high level of consistency across conditional versions.