Are there conventions for naming conditional attributes in DITA?

Conventions for naming conditional attributes in DITA are essential for maintaining consistency and clarity in documentation projects, ensuring that attribute names are meaningful and easily understood.

Clarity and Readability

Naming conventions for conditional attributes in DITA serve several purposes, including clarity and readability, consistency, documentation standards, and ease of maintenance.

Clarity and Readability

Clear and meaningful names help authors and collaborators quickly grasp the purpose of a given condition. This aids in the consistent application of conditions across a documentation project.


Establishing naming conventions ensures that attribute names are consistent throughout the documentation. This consistency simplifies maintenance and makes it easier to manage and update conditions.

Documentation Standards

Adhering to naming conventions aligns with documentation standards and best practices, which can be crucial in larger teams or projects with multiple contributors.

Ease of Maintenance

When projects evolve or conditions need to be updated, following conventions makes it easier to identify and modify conditions as needed.


A software documentation project needs to apply conditions for different operating systems. A naming convention could be to prefix each condition with the target operating system abbreviation, such as “win” for Windows, “mac” for macOS, and “linux” for Linux. The authors might have conditions like “win-supported,” “mac-supported,” and “linux-supported” to indicate which content is relevant to each operating system. This convention ensures that the purpose of each condition is clear, and it’s easy to identify the target audience for specific content.