How are image dependencies tracked in DITA projects?

In DITA projects, image dependencies are tracked through careful management of file references and version control systems. Tracking image dependencies is vital for ensuring that images are used consistently and that updates are managed effectively.

Image dependencies in DITA projects are tracked to maintain the integrity and consistency of documentation. This involves managing file references, using version control systems, and checking link integrity.

  • File References: Images in DITA topics are usually referenced by file paths or keys. By referencing images, a connection is established between the topic and the image file. These references serve as dependencies, as any change to the image file will affect all references to it.
  • Version Control: DITA projects typically use version control systems like Git to manage all project files, including images. Version control ensures that changes to image files are tracked and recorded. This allows teams to collaborate on documentation while maintaining a history of changes.
  • Link Integrity: DITA tools and editors often include features for checking link integrity. This means that if an image file is moved or deleted, the tool can identify broken links and help correct them.


A software company uses DITA for their user documentation. They have an extensive library of screenshots and diagrams used throughout their documentation. To track image dependencies, they use a version control system like Git to manage all documentation files, including images. Each DITA topic references images with specific file paths. If a new software version is released, the images can be updated in a controlled manner. When an image needs updating, the technical writers make changes to the image file in the Git repository, ensuring that the changes are tracked. This approach maintains link integrity and helps keep documentation consistent across versions.