Can tables be collaboratively edited in DITA authoring environments?

Collaborative editing of tables in DITA authoring environments is supported through various methods and tools.

A number of DITA authoring environments are designed to facilitate the creation and editing of DITA content, including tables. These environments can be local desktop applications or web-based platforms. Some of these offer real-time collaboration features, allowing multiple authors to work on DITA content simultaneously.

Some of the tools that DITA authoring tools may provide to facilitate collaborative editing include access control, conflict resolution systems, version control, commenting and review, and notification systems.

Access Control

Collaborative DITA authoring tools often provide access control mechanisms. Administrators can define roles and permissions for authors, editors, and reviewers to manage who can make changes to tables.

Conflict Resolution

When multiple authors edit the same DITA table at the same time, conflict resolution mechanisms help manage conflicting changes. Authors are alerted to conflicts, and they can decide how to merge or resolve them.

Version Control

Collaborative DITA authoring environments may integrate with version control systems (VCS), allowing you to track changes, revert to previous versions, and maintain a history of edits.

Commenting and Review

Many collaborative DITA authoring tools enable commenting and review processes. Authors or reviewers can leave comments on specific table elements, discuss changes, and suggest revisions.


Collaborative tools typically provide notification systems to keep authors informed about updates, comments, and changes to the DITA tables they’re working on.


A team of technical writers is using a web-based DITA authoring environment.

  • Writer A logs in and starts editing a DITA table for a user manual.
  • Writer B, working from a different location, logs into the same platform, opens the same DITA table, and begins making edits to another part of the table.
  • Both Writer A and Writer B can see each other’s changes in real time.
  • If there are conflicting edits to the same part of the table, the system flags it as a conflict.
  • The platform provides a visual diff view for resolving conflicts and merging changes.
  • Writer A and Writer B can leave comments on the table elements, discuss revisions, and finalize the content together.