Can a task topic contain multiple procedures?

In DITA, a task topic is typically designed to cover a single procedure or task. While it is possible to include multiple procedures within a single task topic, it’s generally not recommended for the sake of clarity, organization, and content reuse. The primary purpose of a DITA task topic is to provide clear, step-by-step instructions for a specific action or task.

While it’s technically possible to include multiple procedures within a single task topic, doing so can lead to confusion and information overload. Users might find it challenging to distinguish between different procedures, especially if they have varying objectives or require different prerequisites.

It is generally recommended to create separate task topics for each distinct procedure or task. This approach keeps the content focused and facilitates better organization, making it easier for users to locate the specific information they need. Each task topic can then have its own unique title, steps, prerequisites, and post-conditions.

Example (Not Recommended):

    <title>Software Installation and Configuration</title>
            <step>Download the software installer.</step>
            <step>Run the installer and follow on-screen instructions.</step>
            <p>Ensure you have administrative privileges on your computer.</p>
            <p>The software is installed and configured.</p>

In this example, a single task topic attempts to cover both software installation and configuration procedures. However, it would be more organized and user-friendly to have two separate task topics, one for installation and another for configuration.

Example (Recommended Approach):

<!-- Task Topic 1: Software Installation -->
    <title>Software Installation</title>
            <step>Download the software installer.</step>
            <step>Run the installer and follow on-screen instructions.</step>
            <p>Ensure you have administrative privileges on your computer.</p>
            <p>The software is successfully installed on your computer.</p>

<!-- Task Topic 2: Software Configuration -->
    <title>Software Configuration</title>
            <step>Launch the software.</step>
            <step>Access the configuration settings and customize as needed.</step>
            <p>The software must be installed on your computer.</p>
            <p>The software is configured according to your preferences.</p>