What is the <fig> element used for in DITA?

In DITA, the <fig> element is used to represent and structure graphical figures, images, illustrations, charts, diagrams, or any visual content within a topic. It serves as a fundamental building block for incorporating visual elements into DITA topics, enhancing the presentation of information.

The <fig> element in DITA involves visual content inclusion, accessibility, captions, and references.

Visual Content Inclusion: The <fig> element allows authors to include various types of visual content, such as images, diagrams, charts, or multimedia elements, in DITA topics.

Accessibility: Using the <fig> element properly ensures that visual content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Authors can add alternative text (<alt>) to describe the visual content for screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Caption: A <title> element within the <fig> element can be used to provide a descriptive caption for the visual content, helping users understand its significance or context.

References: The <fig> element can include <desc> and <descdata> elements for more detailed descriptions and data associated with the visual content. This can be useful for reference or additional information.