What are localization keys in DITA?

Localization keys in DITA play a crucial role in managing content that needs to be adapted for different languages and regions. These keys are unique identifiers used to connect original content with its localized versions, allowing for efficient translation and content management.

Key Principles

Localization keys in DITA adhere to a few key principles:

  • Uniqueness: Each localization key should be unique within the DITA project to prevent confusion and ensure accurate mapping between source and translated content.
  • Consistency: Keys should follow a consistent naming convention for ease of management and maintenance.
  • Clarity: Descriptive keys can make it easier to understand the content being localized, helping translators and content creators.

Using Localization Keys

Here’s an example of how localization keys are used in DITA:

<topic id="product_overview">
  <title>Product Overview</title>
    <p>This is the <local-key key="overview_heading">introduction</local-key> to our product. <local-key key="key_feature">This is a key feature.</local-key> Please read carefully.</p>
    <p>For further assistance, refer to the <link href="support.html"><local-key key="support_page">support page</local-key></link>.

</body> </topic>

In this example, the <local-key> element is used to link the source content to its localized counterparts. These keys make it clear which parts of the content need to be translated, allowing for a smooth localization process.