Public and Private Solutions
Stilo is committed to providing proven solutions for public and non-public entities of all branches.
Set the standard using informative digital literature and educate your end-user in a structured manner.
Prioritize incoming content along with ongoing conversions through the Migrate platform.
Implement digital deliverables using a structured standard for your new and legacy source formats.
Digital Transformation
Communicate information in a structured standard using Migrate and take advantage of the increased content quality, personalization, and reuse.
You don’t have to be a technical professional to use Migrate thanks to our easy-to-use graphical user interface.
Organizational baskets label documentation and provide clarity amongst different conversions.
Credit reports and auditing assure you and your team maximize value.
Overcome Challenges
Automatically address several issues that are typically seen in this industry as a challenge in conversion:
- Complicated tables (with row and column spanning) are converted automatically
- Configure the structure of your BookMap or DITA map, or sub maps, at any level you choose
- Access information that is not always visible in the content flow, e.g., index markers to index terms, conditional text to DITA attributes, variables to conrefs or keyrefs
- Automatically convert FrameMaker and Word equations to MathML
Preserve resources with unlimited reconversions.
Automatic, Exact Topic Deduplication
Easy Automation. Migrate now allows you to identify and eliminate redundant topics as part of the process of converting the content to DITA.
Quickly deduplicate topics. Migrate analyzes the collection and deduplicates topics that are essentially the same. The DITA maps are updated accordingly.